Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You're Invited to the SVC Gala: April 17th

Want to learn more about what this class is about? Please come and see what our sister course, Social Venture Creation, has been up to. All semester long, student social entrepreneurs have been working hard on 'change the world' ideas. Now they are ready to present their ideas and plans to the world.

Please join us Saturday, April 17th at the Ross School of Business (R1210) from 10:00am - noon to listen to and meet the student social entrepreneurs.

Download the flyer here

Friday, February 19, 2010

Intro to Social Entrepreneurship

The Intro to Social Entrepreneurship Course, launched by the Center for Entrepreneurship at the College of Engineering and in partnership with the School of Art & Design and the William Davidson Institute, is designed as a gateway to the emerging field of social entrepreneurship.
In this course, you will be provided with a broad conceptual framework to social entrepreneurship and be exposed to various local, national, and international social entrepreneurs to explore some of the skill sets necessary to effect change in a sustainable manner.
We will also take an in depth look at the issues of healthcare, food, energy, education, and income – in both domestic and international contexts.  Finally, in a multidisciplinary team, you will work on class project in Ann Arbor’s low-income communities, applying what you have learned in the course to solve real world problems.
Open to all disciplines at the undergraduate level. Space is limited so register early.
Class Time: M/W 1:30pm – 3:00pm
Term: Fall 2010
Credits: 3
Course Number: ENGR 390.002